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Psoriasis Treatment London

Seeking specialised treatment for psoriasis in London? At Derma Revive Skin Clinic, we combine our deep understanding of psoriasis with tailored treatments. Trust in our expertise to guide you towards dramatically alleviating his condition.


Psoriasis therapyDealing With PsoriasisPsoriasis before and after pictures using Dermalux

What is Psoriasis?

We probably don’t need to tell you what Psoriasis is if you have this skin condition. If you are unsure, get it diagnosed as soon as possible. For those who don’t know, it is believed to be an auto-immune disorder. It affects the skin, sometimes in a dramatic way. The thinking is that the immune system mistakenly starts attacking healthy skin cells, which typically defend against harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses.
The visible result is an accelerated growth of skin cells, which don’t shed as quickly as they form. These cells then accumulate on the skin’s surface, forming thick, red patches covered in silvery scales. These patches can be itchy and painful and can sometimes crack and bleed.

Beyond the physical discomfort, psoriasis can also have a significant emotional and psychological impact, again sufferers may know about this. Many individuals with the condition often feel self-conscious about the appearance of their skin, leading to feelings of embarrassment or even depression.
Psoriasis is not contagious, and those affected by it need support and understanding from those around them. The symptoms can be managed with the right treatment and care, allowing sufferers to get on with their lives.

Suitable Treatments

Psoriasis Therapy

The technology at Derma Revive Skin Clinic

We have both the Dermalux Flex and Tri-wave MD machines at Derma Revive.

The Dermalux Flex uses advanced LED technology to deliver precise wavelengths of light directly to your affected skin. This isn’t just any light; it’s calibrated to reduce inflammation and slow down the overactive skin cells that are the hallmark of psoriasis.

The Tri-wave MD takes things up a notch with its tri-wave technology. This allows us to use a broader spectrum of light, targeting multiple layers of your skin for a more comprehensive treatment.

The Power of Phototherapy: A Light at the End of the Tunnel

If you’re new to the concept of phototherapy, allow us to shed some light on this groundbreaking treatment. Phototherapy is a clinically proven, FDA-approved method for treating a variety of skin conditions, including the persistentness known as psoriasis.

How Does Phototherapy Work?

Phototherapy works by exposing your skin to specific wavelengths of ultraviolet light under controlled medical conditions. This isn’t your average sunbathing session; it’s a targeted approach that aims to modify the behaviour of your skin cells. In the case of psoriasis, the treatment focuses on slowing down the rapid growth and shedding of skin cells that lead to scales and plaques.

The Science Behind the Light

When ultraviolet light penetrates the skin, it does a few things. First, it helps to reduce inflammation, a key factor in psoriasis flare-ups. Second, it suppresses the overactive immune response that often contributes to the condition. This dual action alleviates symptoms and extends the period between flare-ups. It’s like hitting two birds with one, well, light.

Safety and Efficacy

You might be wondering about the safety of exposing your skin to ultraviolet light. Rest assured, phototherapy is a far cry from tanning beds and prolonged sun exposure, which can increase the risk of skin cancer. The healthcare professionals here at Derma Revive carefully calibrate and administer the treatment to ensure that you receive the optimal dose for your condition. Phototherapy may be combined with other treatments, like topical creams, to enhance its effectiveness.

Tailored to You

At Derma Revive Skin Clinic, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our trained healthcare professionals will assess your condition and tailor the phototherapy treatment to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with mild, moderate, or severe psoriasis, we’ve got a light for that.

Dealing With Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a puzzling condition. One tip in dealing with it may not work for the next sufferer. Below are some commonly agreed-upon tips that may help alleviate your particular symptoms.

Stress Less, Heal More

Stress is a known trigger for psoriasis flare-ups. Engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or even a leisurely walk. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle with adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can also keep stress at bay.

Consider your Diet

Experts in different fields of medicine, including nutritionists, are always looking for dietary links to psoriasis. We invite you to consider if something in your diet could have a bearing on psoriasis. It might be worth researching this.

Embrace Moisturization

Moisturising is a simple yet profound step in managing psoriasis. Regularly hydrating the skin can alleviate dryness, itching, and redness. Opt for fragrance-free moisturisers, and remember that the best time to apply is right after a shower or bath. On drier days, consider reapplying to keep your skin supple and soothed.

Lifestyle Choices Matter

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate psoriasis symptoms. Consider quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake to manage your condition better. Other things in your lifestyle could be making things worse.

The Healing Power of Warm Baths

Warm baths can be a sanctuary for irritated skin. Consider adding mild oils or finely ground oatmeal to enhance the soothing effect. Avoid extremely hot water and harsh soaps, which can exacerbate sensitivity. After your bath, gently pat your skin dry and moisturise immediately.

Resist the Itch

While the urge to scratch can be overwhelming, it can lead to worsened lesions or even infections. Keep your nails short, and if itching becomes unbearable, consider over-the-counter antihistamines.

Sunlight: Nature’s Healer

Moderate exposure to sunlight can benefit psoriasis-affected skin. The ultraviolet rays can inhibit rapid skin cell growth. However, always use sunscreen on unaffected areas and consider starting UV-based therapy.

Gentle Skincare

Avoid products that can irritate your skin, such as those containing alcohol or strong acids. Soft fabrics like cotton can be more comfortable to wear, while materials like wool might cause irritation.


Psoriasis treatment for you

Get in touch if you would like to book a free consultation to see how Phototherapy can help with your psoriasis.


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