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Laser Skin Resurfacing - ResurFX™

ResurFX™ is a brilliant, revolutionary laser skin resurfacing technology that improves skin texture, tone, and firmness while reducing wrinkles, pore size, and acne scars. Unlike other laser treatments, ResurFX™ offers the same results as ablative lasers without the uncomfortable side-effects that accompany the healing process.

Icon indicating treatment time

Treatment Time 30 mins

Icon indicating treatments required

Results Course of treatments recommended

Icon indicating treatment downtime

Downtime 2-5 Days


How does laser skin resurfacing work?What can patients expect?FAQs

What can the ResurFX treat?

The ResurFX™ laser can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions including wrinkles, acne, acne scarring, age spots, and superficial skin lesions and pigmentation. It can also tackle stretch marks. The skin cells that are exposed to the treatment, for example, unwanted pigmented cells, are naturally disposed of by normal bodily processes.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

The ResurFX™ laser utilises a matrix of microscopic laser beams, each with a diameter of a human hair, to penetrate the skin and create microthermal treatment zones. By leaving the surrounding tissue unscathed, nearby cells can migrate into the affected area and promote rapid tissue repair without causing damage to the skin. This next-generation fractional resurfacing technique is designed to enhance skin texture, tone, and firmness, as well as to reduce pore size, acne scarring, and wrinkles
Unlike traditional resurfacing methods, ResurFX™ combines the effectiveness of an ablative approach with the comfort and convenience of a non-ablative technique. After treatment, the body’s natural healing process is triggered, stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin tissue. The procedure targets small skin zones while leaving the surrounding tissue intact, allowing for more efficient and rapid tissue healing and collagen production, resulting in new, healthier, and smoother tissue replacing skin imperfections.

What can patients expect?

Patients who receive ResurFX™ treatments can expect to feel firmer skin and a smoother surface texture. Generally, the procedure is painless and requires no medication. Some patients may experience a mild sunburn sensation afterward, which can be easily neutralised with a gentle moisturiser. Makeup can be applied immediately after the session.

Is there any downtime associated with the treatment?

Typically, redness and flaking can last for a few hours to a few days, with full recovery taking around five days.This varies from patient to patient.

How many treatments are necessary?

ResurFX™ treatments are gradual and usually require 3-5 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Are there any special requirements after the treatment?

Yes, you will be given full aftercare instructions following your treatment but you should avoid the sun for the first few days. If you are going to be exposed to any sun at all you should wear a SPF50 as a matter of course. Please do not touch the skin for the first 48 hours except to apply a cold compress. You may wash your face after 24-48 hours using a mild cleanser. Apply a gentle moisturiser. After 4-7 days you may exfoliate if you feel no skin sensitivity.

If you have any questions at all with regards to the ResurFX treatment, feel free to get in touch. We are always happy to hear from you.


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