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iPixel London

iPixel skin-resurfacing laser treatment helps to improve skin texture, tone and pore size, and reduces or removes the appearance of marks and blemishes.

Icon indicating treatment time

Treatment Time 2 - 4 hours, depending on areas treated

Icon indicating the duration of results

Duration of Results 2 -3 months

Icon indicating treatments required

Results Course of 6 treatments recommented

Icon indicating treatment downtime

Downtime None


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What is iPixel?

iPixel is a revolutionary skin-resurfacing laser treatment that significantly enhances skin texture, tone, and pore size. This innovative, non-ablative, fractional laser technology stands up for its ability to effectively reduce or remove the appearance of marks and blemishes with minimal downtime. Unlike older, less efficient resurfacing laser technologies, iPixel offers a much more comfortable experience and quicker recovery, making it a preferred choice for those patients seeking effective skin rejuvenation solutions.

Why Choose Derma Revive for iPixel in London

At Derma Revive, we pride ourselves on utilising the latest laser technologies, including the Harmony iPixel Laser, to deliver excellent treatments and optimal results. Our skilled skincare practitioners are dedicated to creating tailored treatment programs that cater to your unique skin needs. We focus on achieving significant results, especially in reducing scar depth, redness, and improving acne. While at the same time, supporting overall skin health and appearance. Choosing Derma Revive means entrusting your skin to experts committed to your skin’s rejuvenation and health.

Benefits of iPixel

iPixel, a new generation non-ablative, fractional laser, offers superior results with less downtime compared to older resurfacing laser technologies.

The iPixel is an effective treatment for:

  • scarring
  • acne scarring
  • hyperpigmentation
  • ageing skin
  • sun damage and
  • stretch marks

* Results may vary from person to person

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How does iPixel laser treatment work?

iPixel laser treatment works by directing a short, powerful burst of laser energy to the skin’s surface, turning surface water and skin tissue into steam. It removes a small area of the skin’s outermost layer each time it passes through the laser, leaving surrounding tissue intact. This stimulates the body’s natural healing process, encouraging collagen growth and the replacement of lost skin with new, healthy tissue.

iPixel’s precise targeting results in fewer side effects, making it suitable for sensitive areas like the face, neck, chest, and hands. Each session typically lasts 10 to 15 minutes and focuses only on the parts of the skin that need attention. It prompts the skin’s natural healing response, forming new, healthy collagen and healthier, smoother skin.


Results Driven Treatment

DermaRevive Skin Clinic invests in the latest laser technologies, like the Harmony iPixel Laser, to ensure clients receive top treatments and optimal results. Skincare practitioners devise tailor treatment programs that may also recommend additional treatments and products to enhance skin health and appearance. The Derma Revive Skin Clinic focuses on achieving significant results, particularly in reducing scar depth and redness, improving acne, and supporting overall skin health and appearance.

iPixel Treatment Process

Consultation and Customisation

Your iPixel process at Derma Revive begins with a thorough consultation. Our experts assess your skin condition and discuss your aesthetic goals. Based on this evaluation, we then customise a treatment plan that addresses your skin concerns, ensuring a personalised and effective approach to rejuvenation.

During the Procedure

During the iPixel treatment, a short, powerful burst of laser energy is directed to the skin’s surface. This process precisely targets and vaporises the outermost skin layers, stimulating the body’s natural healing process. Typically lasting 10 to 15 minutes, the procedure focuses only on the areas needing attention, ensuring a targeted and efficient treatment.

Post-Treatment Care and Recovery

Post-treatment, you can expect minimal downtime, allowing you to promptly return to your daily activities. Our team provides comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and maximise the treatment’s effectiveness. We may also recommend additional treatments and products to enhance your skin’s health and appearance.

Preparing for Your iPixel Treatment

To prepare for your iPixel treatment at Derma Revive, we advise avoiding direct sun exposure and refraining from using any harsh skincare products that might sensitise your skin. It’s essential to come to your appointment with clean, makeup-free skin. Our team will provide you with a detailed list of pre-treatment instructions to ensure your skin is optimally prepared for the procedure.

Cost of iPixel Treatment

The cost of iPixel treatment at Derma Revive varies depending on the treatment area’s size and the specific skin concerns being addressed. For instance, treating the full face starts from £400.00 and addressing both the face and neck begins from £500.00. We offer a transparent pricing structure and will provide a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation.

Who is a Good Candidate for iPixel Treatment

Ideal candidates for iPixel treatment are individuals looking to improve their skin’s texture, tone, and overall appearance. It is particularly effective for those with scarring, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, ageing skin, sun damage, and stretch marks. However, it’s important to have a consultation to ensure iPixel is suitable for your skin type and concerns.


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