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Xanthelasma Removal

It is fair to assume that if you are reading this you have Xanthelasma and wish to do something about it. Read on to find out more about this common condition and how we can help at Derma Revive Skin Clinic.


Xanthelasma Treatment

What is Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma is identified by yellow or white, flat or slightly raised plaques on the upper or lower eyelids, typically near the eye’s corner. These plaques consist of cholesterol fatty deposits beneath the skin. Xanthelasma is more common in individuals of Asian or Mediterranean descent.

What causes Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma is primarily caused by cholesterol issues, including elevated LDL (bad cholesterol) or low HDL (good cholesterol). Other factors are familial hypercholesterolaemia (a genetic condition of high cholesterol) and liver disease, specifically primary biliary cirrhosis. Although Xanthelasma can occur without high cholesterol, its presence may indicate potential high cholesterol, warranting immediate investigation.

Suitable Treatments

Xanthelasma Treatment

The lesions caused by Xanthelasma will not go away on their own. They will either increase in size or stay the same. Despite being harmless, Xanthelasma has an unattractive appearance and could cause irritation.

Potential removal methods include surgery, cryotherapy, electric needle treatment, and medical lasers. As with all skin lesions, the best clinical advice is to have any growths examined to rule out any other skin lesions and other health problems. Whilst unsightly, Xanthelasma is harmless, with most patients citing cosmetic reasons for wanting it removed.


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