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BodyTite™ London

BodyTite™ is the most advanced, permanent method of removing fat and tightening the skin simultaneously.

Icon indicating treatment time

Treatment Time 45-60 mins, depending on areas treated

Icon indicating the duration of results

Duration of Results Permanent

Icon indicating treatments required

Results Course of 1-2 treatments recommended

Icon indicating treatment downtime

Downtime None


BodyTite AdvantagesHow does BodyTite work?FAQ

About BodyTite™

This surgical treatment employs radiofrequency technology for skin tightening, enhancing body contours minimally invasively. Resembling traditional liposuction, often termed laser liposuction, it remodels the body. The process involves liquefying fat cells for removal, reshaping the area, and smoothing the skin.

Treatment typically targets the upper arms, thighs, hips, abdomen, buttocks, and back.

Why Choose Derma Revive Skin Clinic for BodyTite in London

Derma Revive Skin Clinic is a trusted BodyTite treatment provider in London. Our clinic is known for offering personalised, high-quality care performed by experienced medical professionals. We use the latest technology to ensure maximum efficacy and patient safety. With a solid track record of satisfied clients, we prioritise your comfort and desired results.

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite ™ is FDA approved, created by InMode and can be used in conjunction with liposuction to remove fat.  It uses radiofrequency to tighten and firm loose skin.

Providers typically use it to target areas of the body like the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, knees, love handles, breasts, and back.

BodyTite™  is currently the most advanced, permanent method of removing fat and tightening the skin simultaneously. This  surgical treatment uses radio-frequency skin tightening technology to dramatically improve the contours of the body, in the least invasive way possible. The treatment is similar to traditional liposuction, and can be referred to as laser liposuction. It’s used to remodel the body by removing unwanted fat cells by melting down the fat to liquid form first, re-contouring by contacting the skin.

The typical treatment areas include the upper arms, thighs, hips, abdomen, waist, buttocks and the back. 

BodyTite™ permanently removes fat and tightens the skin in the least invasive way possible for a surgical treatment. This is laser liposuction using radio-frequency, to remodel the body by melting down the fat to liquid form, hence removing unwanted fat cells, and re-contouring by contacting the skin.  The treatment areas include the upper arms, thighs, hips, abdomen, waist, buttocks and the back.

How does BodyTite work?

BodyTite, known as ‘Laser Lipo’ or ‘RFAL’ (radiofrequency-assisted liposuction), utilises radiofrequency energy to liquefy fat tissue for removal via a small incision. This contrasts with traditional methods requiring a larger cannula for fat removal.

Initially, doctors mark the problem areas, then apply a topical anaesthetic through a small incision.

A slender cannula is inserted under the skin, acting as a conduit for the BodyTite device. Moving over the skin, the device transmits radiofrequency between the cannula and monitor, ensuring uniform and effective fat targeting. This precision leads to smooth results. The heat also stimulates collagen production, aiding skin tightening and firming.

BodyTite Advantages

We’ve all heard of ‘Liposuction’, but at Derma Revive Skin Clinic we offer BodyTite.

One of the most advanced, permanent method of removing fat and tightening the skin simultaneously. This incredible, combined treatment uses radiofrequency to dramatically improve the silhouette in the least traumatic way possible: by melting down fat to a liquid form first. Why? To guarantee the easiest of extractions and smoothest possible finish.



BodyTite VS liposuction: What’s the difference?

BodyTite ™ is radiofrequency targeted at the concerned areas and is not liposuction, however it can contour the body and work well with liposuction.

If you’re looking to just reduce fat, liposuction alone may do the trick. However, if your skin has started to lose elasticity, you run the risk of being left with loose skin after the fat is removed. Pairing BodyTite and lipo helps avoid that potential side effect.

Fat removal by traditional liposuction method will remove your unwanted fat, however loose skin and elasticity cannot be addressed.  BodyTite ™ can enable the further perfection of fat removal by tightening and improving elasticity by targeting radiofrequency in the concerned areas to give the desired results.

BodyTite ™ can address skin laxity post liposuction or just in general with age.Patients 

Additionally, studies have found that RFAL causes less trauma to the surrounding tissue than traditional liposuction does. Because the fat is liquefied and extracted quickly through small incisions, the swelling, bruising, and recovery downtime are reduced.

Studies have shown radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) in its methods causes less trauma to teh surrounding tissue.  This is because small incisions are made whereby fat is liquidifed and quickly extracted through the small incisions leading to reduction in bruising, recovery and downtime.


Benefits of BodyTite?


  • BodyTite ™ works on most areas of sagging skin on the body where there is moderate laxity. 
  • Has little or no downtime as it is minimally invasive procedure (with no liposuction involved)
  • Less trauma to surrounding tissue and shorter recovery, combined with liposuction, removing excess fat more easily.
  • Quick treatments in thirty minutes on small areas.
  • Not painful, thanks to local aesthetic.


The BodyTite Procedure at Derma Revive Skin Clinic

The Consultation Process

At Derma Revive Skin Clinic, we commence your BodyTite process with a comprehensive consultation. Our skin professionals will evaluate your body goals, assess your health history, and discuss the BodyTite procedure in detail. This will help us design a treatment plan uniquely tailored to your needs.

The BodyTite Procedure

BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anaesthesia. Our skilled practitioners make small incisions in the targeted areas through which the BodyTite device is inserted. The device emits radiofrequency energy, melting the fat and encouraging collagen production for skin tightening. The melted fat is then gently aspirated, leaving the area smoother and firmer. This procedure typically takes 1-2 hours, depending on the number of areas being treated.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Bodytite?

An ideal candidate for BodyTite is someone in good health, with a BMI of less than 30, who has moderate skin laxity and localised fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. BodyTite is not a weight loss solution but a body contouring procedure designed to target specific problem areas.

Is the Bodytite Procedure Painful?

The BodyTite procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, minimising discomfort during the treatment. Most patients report a warm sensation but no pain. Any post-procedure discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief.

What is the Recovery Time for Bodytite?

Recovery time for BodyTite varies between individuals and depends on the size and number of treated areas. Most patients can return to their regular activities within a few days, with full recovery typically achieved within 1-2 weeks. Post-procedure care includes wearing a compression garment to support healing and enhance results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to heal from BodyTite?

Healing from BodyTite varies. Light activities can resume in one to two weeks, while intense activities like running, weight training, and hot yoga should wait four to six weeks. On average, complete recovery ranges from less than four weeks to four to six months, especially if paired with liposuction.

Post-treatment, expect tenderness and soreness. The BodyTite procedure, using a blunt-tipped probe, minimises nerve damage risk, but numbness may occur temporarily. For optimal results and to reduce pain and swelling, wearing compression garments for up to two months is recommended to aid in faster recovery.

How soon will you see BodyTite results?

Initial results from BodyTite, particularly with liposuction, are visible immediately after the procedure. Skin tightening and sculpting improve as collagen production increases, with significant results appearing within three months and continuing up to a year.

Is BodyTite permanent?

BodyTite can result in a 25–45% contraction of soft tissue. The longevity of results is enhanced by maintaining weight within a 5 to 10-pound range. While liposuction permanently removes fat cells, the remaining cells can expand, so stable weight maintenance is crucial.

What happens during a BodyTite treatment?

During BodyTite treatment, two probes connected to a handpiece are used. Post-anaesthesia, the practitioner makes a small incision, inserting one probe for RF energy transmission. Based on electrodes, the other probe moves along the skin’s surface. RF energy between the probes liquefies fat cells, tightens collagen fibres, and triggers collagen production. If combined with liposuction, excess fat is suctioned out via a cannula. Treatment duration varies, taking 30–45 minutes per area, with total appointment time ranging from one to three hours for multiple areas.


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