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Ellman Surgitron: Revolutionising Modern Medicine

the mole on the girl's face closeup

The world of medical technology is vast and ever-evolving, especially in the field of aesthetics. Among the many, many devices that have made a significant impact, the Ellman Surgitron stands out. It’s got decades of use behind it, backing up its effectiveness and precision for lesion removal.

Modern versions of the device still use the same technological principles as they did back then. A technology that is surprisingly still relevant today. It’s one of the machines we use at Derma Revive. We look at the intricacies of this remarkable device and shed some light on its functionality, history, and relevance in today’s medical landscape.

What is the Ellman Surgitron?

Ellman Surgitron is a state-of-the-art electrosurgical device designed to make incisions, coagulate blood, and precisely ablate tissue. Its unique radiofrequency technology ensures minimal tissue damage, leading to quicker recovery times and reduced patient scarring. Its versatility makes it a firm favourite among surgeons across various specialities. One of the main reasons we have it here in clinic is the removal of moles.

History of the Ellman Surgitron

Tracing back to the mid-20th century, the Surgitron was a brainchild of Dr. Irving Ellman. Recognising the need for a more precise surgical tool, Dr. Ellman embarked on a journey to create a device that would transform surgical procedures. Over the decades, the Surgitron has undergone numerous refinements, each iteration improving upon the last, making it the gold standard in electrosurgery today.

How Does the Ellman Surgitron Work?

At its core, the Surgitron utilises radiofrequency energy to cut and coagulate tissue. Unlike traditional electrosurgical devices that can cause charring or excessive heat, Surgitron’s high-frequency, low-temperature approach ensures clean cuts with minimal collateral damage. This precision is what sets it apart from its counterparts.

Applications and Uses

From dermatology to otolaryngology, the Surgitron finds its place in a wide range of medical procedures. Whether it’s removing skin lesions, performing biopsies, or treating soft tissue conditions, the Surgitron ensures optimal results with its precision and efficiency.

Advancements and Innovations

The journey of the Surgitron is one of continuous innovation. With the advent of newer technologies, the device has seen its design, functionality, and user interface enhancements. As the medical field progresses, one can only anticipate further advancements that will solidify the Surgitron’s place in the annals of medical history.


The Ellman Surgitron is more than just a device; it’s a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of excellence in patient care. As we embrace the future of medicine, the Surgitron remains solidly useful, promising safer, more efficient surgical procedures for all.