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Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin

Laser hair removal is quick and effective and can reduce hair by up to 90% permanently, whether you want to remove hair from your back, chest, stomach, ears, nose, or hands.

Icon indicating treatment time

Treatment Time 2 - 4 hours, depending on areas treated

Icon indicating the duration of results

Duration of Results 2 -3 months

Icon indicating treatments required

Results Course of 6 treatments recommented

Icon indicating treatment downtime

Downtime None


Does Laser Hair Removal work for dark skin?What is best LHR machine for dark skin?

About our Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin

Derma Revive Skin uses FDA approved technology to deliver ingrown hair reduction, reduced hair growth and safe results for darker skin tones.Using the latest FDA approved medical grade Candela technology our Nd:YAG wavelength lasers are ideally suited for Brown, Asian, Indian, and black skin tones. Our practitioners will have years laser experience before joining us, making them the most knowledgeable and safest practitioners in the industry today, so you can trust us to safely help you get the results you desire.

You will find our clinics to be professional & friendly, modern, comfortable & welcoming in the City of London open 7 days a week until 8pm.

What Makes Dark Skin Different in Laser Treatments?

Dark skin has a higher concentration of melanin compared to lighter skin. This increased melanin can affect how laser treatments work, as traditional lasers cannot differentiate between the melanin in the skin and the hair follicle. However, advancements in technology, like the FDA-approved Nd:YAG lasers, have made laser hair removal safe and effective for dark skin by specifically targeting hair follicles without affecting the surrounding skin.

Why Choose Derma Revive for Dark Skin Laser Hair Removal?

At Derma Revive, we specialise in laser hair removal on dark skin using state-of-the-art Candela Gentle Max Pro lasers. These medical-grade, FDA-approved lasers ensure a safe and effective treatment tailored to your unique skin tone and hair type. Our experienced practitioners, with extensive knowledge in treating diverse skin tones, ensure you receive the highest standard of care in our modern, comfortable clinic.

Does Laser Hair Removal work for dark skin?

In the past, laser hair removal devices were incredibly sensitive to both skin colour and melanin, which is why so many people with darker skin tones did not experience great results.

Modern FDA-approved laser hair removal machines are extremely advanced and sophisticated, with the Nd: YAG laser specifically designed to distinguish the subtle differences in skin tone, so they can remove hair regardless of your skin type. You will be able to reduce hair from head to toe in a safe, effective manner.

How do I choose the best Laser Hair Removal machine for dark skin?

We only use the top of the line Candela Gentle Max Pro, which has dual wave lengths. For clients with darker skin tones, we can select the Nd-Yag that matches your skin tone and hair type.

Gentle Max Pro lasers are medical grade and FDA approved, which means they are the same lasers used in hospitals. In clinics that use inferior brands of lasers, you will experience slower results in fewer sessions, so you will save money over clinics that use top-of-the-line lasers.

The Laser Hair Removal Process at Derma Revive

Consultation and Skin Assessment

Your journey with us begins with a thorough consultation and skin assessment. Our experts evaluate your skin type, hair texture, and treatment area to develop a personalised treatment plan, ensuring optimal results while prioritising your safety and comfort.

Customised Treatment Plans

Each client at Derma Revive receives a bespoke treatment plan. We consider factors like skin tone, hair density, and personal goals to tailor our approach, using our advanced Candela Gentle Max Pro laser technology for the best possible outcomes.

Safety and Comfort

Ensuring Safe Procedures for Dark Skin

Safety is our no.1 consideration at Derma Revive. Our practitioners are trained to use lasers safely on dark skin, minimising risks and ensuring a comfortable experience. We use the latest laser technologies designed to protect your skin while effectively targeting hair follicles.

What to Expect During and After Treatment

You may feel a mild sensation during treatment, but our cooling systems ensure comfort. Post-treatment, slight redness or sensitivity is normal and typically subsides quickly. Our team provides comprehensive aftercare advice to maintain your skin’s health.

Preparing for Your Laser Hair Removal Session

Do’s and Don’ts Before Your Appointment

Before your session, avoid sun exposure and tanning treatments. Shave the treatment area 24 hours prior, but avoid waxing or plucking. Keep the skin clean and free from lotions or makeup.

Post-Treatment Care and Tips

After treatment, apply a soothing gel if needed and use sunscreen to protect the treated area. Avoid heat treatments like saunas and hot showers for 24 hours. Follow any specific instructions provided by our practitioners.

Cost of Dark Skin Laser Hair Removal

The cost of laser hair removal for dark skin at Derma Revive varies based on the treatment area and number of sessions required. We offer competitive pricing and package deals, ensuring our high-quality treatments are accessible. For detailed pricing, please consult with our team.


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