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How to Make a Hairy Back Less Hairy! As Featured in GQ Magazine!

We at Derma Revive Skin Clinic are thrilled to share with our clients and readers that we were recently featured in an article by GQ Magazine. The article “How to Make a Hairy Back Less Hairy” offered advice and tips to those struggling with body hair issues, specifically back hair. Our very own lead trainer, Joanna Wyszynska, was approached to provide her professional insights and advice on the matter.

Read the Full Article: How to Make a Hairy Back Less Hairy

In the article, Joanna outlined several techniques for dealing with back hair. Each method was elaborated on, including the benefits and potential drawbacks, allowing readers to decide what would work best for them.

Shaving: An Inexpensive and Popular Method

Joanna emphasised that shaving is an inexpensive and popular method. A 2017 study showed that 59% of respondents aged 18 to 29 shave their back hair regularly. However, having the right tools and possibly some assistance is necessary for a successful and safe shave.

Waxing: For Smoother Skin Despite the Discomfort

Waxing, while more painful than shaving, was recommended for those willing to endure a little discomfort for smoother skin. Joanna pointed out that the waxing process might involve repeated visits to a professional salon and the need to exfoliate post-waxing.

Hair Removal Creams: A Fuss-Free Solution

Hair removal creams, according to Joanna, offer a fuss-free and relatively inexpensive solution for hair removal. However, potential users must be aware of possible allergic reactions and the cost factor when using larger product quantities.

Laser Hair Removal: A Long-Term Solution

The article also highlighted laser hair removal as a long-term solution. Joanna recommended six to eight sessions, depending on individual hair growth cycles. She advised readers to research local providers and consider factors like the laser machine’s estimated treatment time and cooling features. Whether you need hair removal for black skin or light skin, and want hair removal from the pubic area or the back, or any other area, laser hair removal is the best solution.

Electrolysis: A Potentially Permanent Solution

Electrolysis, a potentially permanent solution, can be more time-consuming and painful than other methods but can result in hairs not returning. Joanna cautioned that electrolysis could be expensive and typically requires more sessions than laser hair removal.

Threading: Ideal for Fine, Soft Hairs

Finally, threading was recommended for fine, soft hairs, especially in smaller areas. This method is inexpensive, particularly when performed by a friend or family member, and can last longer than shaving because the hairs are pulled directly from the root.

Derma Revive Skin Clinic: Your Partner in Skin and Hair Solutions

We are proud that GQ Magazine, an influential publication in the world of style and grooming, recognised Joanna’s expertise. Our team is dedicated to helping our clients feel their best, and we strive to offer them the most effective and suitable solutions for their skin and hair concerns. We would like to thank GQ Magazine for featuring us and our loyal clients for their continuous support. We look forward to continuing to serve you with our expert and personalised skin and hair solutions.